Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Let freedom ring...

Is the country becoming more fascist? I think about this often. Are people forgetting what the Revolutionary War was fought for in the first place? Do they even know anymore? Sometimes it is crazy at how little the new generation knows about history and its significance. Sad grumbles for the day after a depressing history tutoring session.

Is freedom dying?  Is the world from "V for Vendetta" so far off? Is it already here? Le sigh.


  1. You are completely right. I don't think the new generation knows any thing about this. The question here is why? Do the parents no longer teach their children about our history? It is sad to know that the parents' response to this would be "that's what school is for"

  2. Well, I think there has always been people who know and people who don't know. We really can't say how much the previous generation knew because we didn't live during their time. But also, back in the day education wasn't required. So in reality, educated people back in the day were really far and few. Now a days, some people have it and others don't. It really does depend on their parents' personal value of education instilled on their children and the natural intelligence level of the student. But to say that it's the government fault or becoming fascist because of an ignorant populace who receives a free education who refuses to accept it is ludicrous. Try living in a truly fascist country then making that statement.

    1. I didn't say the government was at fault. Simply that people are unaware of what the government is doing and this makes them ignorant. Education has nothing to do with it. It's about passion and caring for what is going on in your country that makes a person truly free. Thankfully, this isn't a truly fascist country but is the population that is the young generation ready and responsible enough to know the difference between freedom and knowing your rights vs. letting the government/Congress/President, whatever, do anything they want for the sake of security hence installing a fascist future for this country. And if you really want to talk about education, that is a whole other topic. Free education doesn't equal quality education. This is why I say it is important to be aware of the government and congressional policies affecting the everyday people. Le sigh twice.
